perjantai 27. heinäkuuta 2012

Jotain valmistakin jopa

En minä ihan laiskana ole ollut viime aikoina, vaikkei täällä blogin puolella oikein mitään ole tapahtunutkaan.
Päinvastoin neula on suhissut ihan turbovauhtia =)
Näistä nyt esitellyistä valmistuneista yksi on osa ristipistohullutusta, nimittäin DMC:n Sampler.

LK Life's A Beach, bd present for Pirjo,
stitched on eve using DMC cottons, satins and
perlescent. Attached freshwater beads as decos.

Background of the pouch,
suitable for mobile, sunglasses, ipod, etc
Little hanging deco with Lucie Heaton Design.

Backside of it.... :D
Pillow with winnie the Pooh and Piglet,
bday present for a 4year old girl.

Detail of the backside. Hid the zipper under a ribbon.

LK Strawberry Sampler,
Stitched on eve with DMC threads.

Side of strawberry sampler, showing the edging with
pretty lace trim.

Backside of the Strawberry Sampler,
with quite suitable background fabric =)

DMC Sampler stitching part finally finished.
Decided to still show this here because framing of it
might take some time since I don't have a glue
what kind of frame I would like it to be in
and where...
Adding this here though it still lacks the hanging thingy from top.
Vervaco summer design, stitched on aida,
with frayed edges for finishing touch.

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