Thank you all for your lovely comments! And hope you are all doing well. Here we are having lots of snow and around -10C. So winter has really arrived :)
Have had few new beginnings on my crazies. I know it is a bit late but I guess better later than never.
First the blue kitchen clock, a design by Joan Elliott. The design was in a leaflet that came years ago with Cross Stitch Quick and Easy called 101 Best ever Christmas gift charts. I was looking at it last year and really wanted to do the clock but the design was a bit unclear, so I contacted Joan Elliott via email and got the design from her!! Lucky me :)
And as many of you know I'm not a huge fan of blue so the finished piece will probably go somewhere else. But just loved the design and wanted to do it!
Another new start is a DMC kit that I recently received from my very good blogging friend Maija (kiitokset taas sinulle <3). The colors of this kit are sort of cold side but yet I do like them as they remind me of the really old samplers. I might be doing another sampler later this year also.
This Traditional Sampler stitches very fast and in my opinion is nothing but the described advanced, it should be classified as moderate if not even easy.
I have also started to stitch a Margaret Sherry design. I'm stitching it on piece of aida I dyed myself recently. It is a cow with balloon. The picture is sideways and there are very few stitches on it, well it is not a huge design either, =)
All your wips are so lovely..
VastaaPoistaKeep well
Hugs xxx
Muistan että sait mallin suoraan itse Joan Elliotilta-ajatella miten hän oli ystävällinen ja ilahtui varmasti kun osoitit noin aitoa kiinnostusta hänen työtään kohtaan :)
VastaaPoistaKiva kun innostuit tuosta "antiikki"-samplerista..mä olen vasta viime vuonna oikein innostunut aiheesta ja luen aina Sampler & Antique Needlework -lehden kannesta kanteen.
Mulla oli muutama vanhempi -numero ,voin laittaa postissa sulle jos oot kiinostunut lukemaan aidoista vanhoista samplereista ja onhan mukana aina muutama mallikin--
Värjäämäsi aida on aivan ihana!!